Foil: ElephantsBoard 1-12
Laminated projection screen

Dickes Fell, Projektionsfolie einlaminiert, DIN A3, Köln 2007
This is the original film on which I created the last image of the first performance Elefantenboard in Livingroom 1. After a performance, I always had the opportunity to remove the painted film from the projector and let it dry out in a protected place. Later I laminated such foils, often scanned them for later processing, or took a photo of the projection of the foil with the scan, so sometimes there are 3 images of a foil: The projection during the performance, where the colors are freshly inserted into some arc architecture with possibly objects and other artists standing in front of it. The second image is created by digitizing the film from a scanner. This image often looks more colorful than the projection and does not have the distortions of the live projection. The colors can be different from the live projection because many colors reflect the light differently than they transmit the light. In the same way, the color values also change when the laminated film with the dried colors is placed on the projector again. The projection sometimes differs enormously from the original live projection, in which the colors were fresh and fluid.
This slide shows an elephant’s skull from the front, which could also be perceived as such by the audience because I gave a „lecture“ about forest elephants and the words automatically connected with the visual event for the audience, provided they had ever seen an elephant in nature, on television or in a photograph.
Elefanteboard was therefore also a sociological experiment to see whether it is possible to use acoustic moments to make the abstractly expressive images of a light painting performance recognizable to the recipient as a sharper, or even unambiguous message. It also showed how the freedom of visual perception can be significantly restricted by a linked acoustic line.
weitere Artikel zum Thema Performance , Livingroom 1