Foil: Rising Heart
Livingroom 4

Rising Heart, Projektionsfolie laminiert, DIN A4, Köln 2007
Livingroom 4 was one of the most productive public rehearsals, in which artists from other „sectors“ attempted to interact with overhead projector performances. There were frequent group performances by musicians from the independent music scene and it became apparent that the projections in such formats should be lighter to give the protagonists more scope for their own movements.
This foil is the last projected image of one of these group samples to dry out and was laminated in a highly transparent film pocket. It shows a sparse application of color emulsion, which is emphasized by a heart-shaped figure rising on the horizon. This image composition creates the impression of a jagged hollow path with a vanishing point to the heart, which seems to ring in the day like a red rising sun.
The sharp-edged projection of the heart is a previously cut out, painted piece of foil, which is added with a skillful movement and pushed into the „rising-up“ position with a long handle.
The moving image is now created by applying a little ochre and blue tone to the projector surface with a small palette knife or, as I do, with an MDF block, the color emulsions are brought together with drawing-lines, not smeared, and as soon as the drawing has become coherent, the underside of the projector head is partially darkened with one hand, the heart is draped into it with the other and moved to its position with the handle at hand, whereby the hand on the underside of the projector head is lowered and slowly removed completely from the picture. This creates a dark to dusky landscape, which shines in radiant light with the addition of the heart-sun and its rising-up movement.
The hand shadow under the projector head is diffuse and will not be visible as a sharp hand shadow on the projection. Rather, the light „washes around“ the hand and creates black to dim areas as a projection in which colored drawing flashes here and there – like on a full moon night.