Sketch: Descamisados

Descamisados,Gouache auf Papter, ca 20cm x 30cm, Düren 1997
A crippled figure drags itself forward with only one leg. It is one of the many preparatory sketches for an overhead projector performance entitled Descamisados, the first publication of which took place in the exhibition „Schub“ at the Mülheim Bürgerzentrum in 1992. Attempts were made to expand on the theme, but reality overtook the performance theme. Today, in 2024, the performance would appear to be a retelling of what happens on our coasts every day – why? It could be interpreted as being critical of the government, and a house search would be the result.
Descamisados was created in the early 1990s from a remote viewing approach with the question „How and with what will we live in 20 years‘ time?“ and was met with a shake of the head. How were the poorest people from South America, Africa and Asia supposed to reach Europe?
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