Picture: In the midst of the maelstrom


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Alu Dibond Druck einer Taschenkunst
Mitten im Sog, 2017 Taschrenkunstvergrößerung feiner Kunstdruck auf einer grundierten 3mm starken Alu Dibond Tafel 70 x 120 cm

A pocket art, shrink-wrapped in a laminated pocket measuring 86mm x 54mm, became a representative unique print measuring 70 x 120 cm.

The concept of my noise visualization defines bright high-frequency white noise as white light and dark low-frequency noise as dark light tones.

White light is created by adding all spectral colors via our eyes only in our brain. White noise is created by the addition of all ambient sounds via our ears only in our brain.

The elongated interplay of a tuba with a didgeridoo in the direction of an approx. 5 m wide ravine leading towards a church flanked by mighty chestnut trees on a slightly gusty evening caused an echoing frequency decrease with a final abrupt frequency and amplitude increase due to the rustling of the chestnut leaves.

Simply put, the long, deep sound of the instruments was modulated even deeper by the wind and the walls of the house, creating short echoes and ending with a high rustling of leaves.

This created a physically palpable suction effect, which I was able to represent visually with projection fluids on the back of a container tug (large truck) parked in the middle of the church.

While the two musicians stood at the beginning of the alley, I was positioned in the middle of the street with my projector and therefore had an excellent sound experience. There wasn't much time to remain undisturbed in the middle of an access road, even at this time of the night - it was around 2:00 in the morning. Last but not least, producing sounds in the middle of the night is contrary to the residents' need for a good night's sleep.

I tried one, tried the other and closed the last minutes of the quarter of an hour with a drain quickly made from hard foil, which led the color liquid in a vortex onto the (protected) slightly inclined projector surface, from which it could flow into an attached receptacle.

The spot where the liquid hit the projector surface could dry out and was archived.

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Alu Dibond Druck einer Taschenkunst
Mitten im Sog, 2017 Taschrenkunstvergrößerung feiner Kunstdruck auf einer grundierten 3mm starken Alu Dibond Tafel 70 x 120 cm

Digital print

In the midst of the maelstrom

Printed on Alu Dibond, enlarged projection foil of a pocket art format from an overhead projector performance,

3mm thick Alu Dibond panel
70cm x 120cm
Unicat, this work is unique and authentic

signed on the back

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