Blue sketchbook sheet 3


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Blatt aus dem blauen Skizzenbuch
Blaues Skizzenbuch Blatt 3, Buchseite ca DIN A4, Aquarell auf Papier, Köln 2009

„All in“ is the title of this scribble. As my curvy new acquaintance searched hard in my fridge, I heard the saying: Confucius says everything is already inside you. Did I say that? I hope not.

Anyway, this leaf reminds me a little of that, because it’s all inside. The rich scribble has powerful lines and high-contrast regions, with which it resists arbitrary interpretations. I still didn’t want to make it more specific because I can’t really decide on a color palette. I pulled out the main events running down the center, but that’s just one possibility of many.

The paper of the blue sketchbook produces particularly beautiful, thick watercolor edges, something that the normal watercolorist actually wants to avoid. They are caused by too much color in the marten hair and too much liquid, which cannot be absorbed quickly enough by the paper. These lines of floated paint particles are then deposited on the paper fiber. However, if the paper is too thin, it will create waves before anything can settle, and the ink will run from the top of the waves into the „valley“. This can also create beautiful dark lines, but also blotches. Most of the time this is not intentional, which is why it is best to work with a paper thickness of 300g/m² or more, although this is not really desirable for sketchbooks.

digitale Verstärkung eines Richscribble-Blattes aus demblauen Skizzenbuch All in, digitale Bearbeitung von Blatt3 aus dem Blauen Skizzenbuch, Zülpich 2023

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