Sheet: Arena shadow


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Sheet from a sketchpad

bearbeiteter Folienabdruck
Arenaschatten, Köln 1994, Folienabdruck auf 30x40cm Zeichenpapier im Block, 120g/m²

Today, my overhead projection sessions of the 80s would be described as remote viewing. Unfortunately, this story always ended with the bull in the arena being struck down by the torero in a show fight. I could never really come to terms with this outcome, but as soon as I consciously entered my creative flow to change the story, I immediately paid for it by stifling my creative energy.

In post-production, I allowed the idea of the torero making friends with the bull in the arena.

Arena Projektorabdruck

I often worked on this performance. The following sheet is from 1994. Like all the prints, it was created as a cover for the last live painting on the overhead projector during a performance at the Rhenania in Cologne.



