The store system will be changed


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The sale via will be discontinued as soon as my shop-system is finished. It will be published under the address and will only contain works that are for sale. The terms and conditions will be adapted to the usual form of shopping systems.

The possibility of returning a purchased work even after years should only continue to exist as a copyright notice. Otherwise, redundancies could arise within the relevant jurisdictions, legal complications that would be difficult to reconcile.

In the future, after contacting to buy back previously purchased works, there will be an exchange of offers between the owner and and, if an agreement is reached, the buyback will be carried out. In principle, I am still prepared to take back any work, but there will be no legal right to do so. But I ask you to trust me.

According to the newly designed terms and conditions on, you have a legal right to return items without giving reasons for 14 days, whereby the costs are borne by However, according to my advice, you can still contact years later to return works, whether you no longer like it, it simply no longer suits your lifestyle, or perhaps you have come into financial difficulties, you do not need to explain your reasons. In exchange, we will agree on a price and initiate the repurchase.

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