In Flow

The river laughed. Yes, it was like that, everything came back that had not been and solved to the end, the same sufferings were suffered again and again. suffered again and again. Quote from Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse
Strömungsfilme - floating films was a short exhibition between the Livingrooms I usually organize at this location. I showed an installation and the latest development in overhead project painting. In keeping with the installation theme, I showed all my remaining vector graphics, single prints that were printed in a special process that was only available on the market for a relatively short time and that most closely resembled screen printing in its thick application of ink. This printing system was not pursued industrially because the upkeep and components, ink and wear parts, were simply too expensive and the system could not get beyond a resolution of 600 DPI. For vector graphics work, however, this resolution is quite sufficient, since the image is composed of monochrome color areas, not points and pixels.

In a free-standing shelf made of industrial metal parts there were 3 projectors, on each of which a glass bowl filled with water and pieces of foil of a basic color were placed. The projectors were set up so that they all projected onto the same spot on the screen, so the projections added up. The bottom tray had only blue foil pieces, the middle one had red foil pieces, and the top one had yellow foil pieces. Small electric devices, some of them children's toys, were mounted on the projectors, small machines that moved and swirled the foil pieces with rotating and sliding movements. This created a constant flow of changing colors and shapes on the projection screen. The projection addition also created all the mixed colors and nuances. The video recording made of it is lost so far, sometime I will find it again.

This was the first exhibition in which I could show mainly vectorgraphic works, which were created from the end of the 90s.