What is is the domain of my website and my creative work. I offer:
*Overheadprojectorart und -performance
*Camera-in Film, aktuell and from the last century
*Expressive Paintings, Aquarell-, Mix- and Oiltechnics
*Artikle and Kommentare
This website is itself a creative exploration of the medium, because I design and maintain it myself. It is my computer game, so to speak. I attach great importance to the implementation of my ideas in compliance with the recommended technical standards of the W3C.
What is the goal? would like to gain a broader interest especially for the lightpainting works and perfomances. But also the development of suitable forms of creative web presence and sales possibilities is a goal. Beside the classical sale, the perpetual lending, or pledging of my works gets an ever greater weight.
Another goal is the automatic, guided website, which should allow the recipient to view the page similar to a TV show, but with the added value of being able to interrupt this process at any time and actively surf the website himself.
The realization
The set goals imply a simple and transparent page structure with few menu items. Large script libraries were not used. The main part of the website was created with CascadingStyleSheets and ScalableVectorgrafik.
The website consists of
1. a front section, similar to a movie trailer, or book cover,
2. a featured theme, the current gallery,
3. a work area where everything is archived and
4. the menu item Videos.
The featured topic in the gallery area is fed from the articles posted in the work area and the movies from the video area, so that for each picture, or movie in the gallery in-depth information is available in other areas.
A powerful search engine supports the finding of searched articles. Each page can be subscribed to individually via RSS and Atom buttons. A simple shopping system was integrated.
After I can offer 4 galleries and all images are assigned to their articles in the horizontal scrollbars, I will aggressively work on spreading my art and my idea of an art blog vlog archive store website.