Kategorie webseite
Development of arteurope.de
arteurope.de was created in connection with the public events, the art association activities and the Livingrooms that were launched.
veröffentlicht 23.12.20
← Älter Neuer →
arteurope.de was created in connection with the public events, the art association activities and the Livingrooms that were launched.
veröffentlicht 23.12.20
← Älter Neuer →
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For some months now, the attacks on my website have been steadily increasing and have reached a level that I could no longer ignore. For this reason, it has not been possible for me to post new articles.
Datum , Autor franki
Essay on the development of light painting. Johann Franki describes his early works as sequences of pictures in which he paints several sheets in direct succession, thus creating a flowing movement between the pictures.
Datum , Autor franki
The sale via arteurope.de will be discontinued as soon as my shop-system is finished. It will be published under the address malamadita.de and will only contain works that are for sale.
Datum , Autor franki
The autotrace which disappeared from the repositories can be included via the sources from Github on kali2.
Datum , Autor franki
The idea behind it
You want to give a room mindfulness, creative spirit, an informal communication style, or whatever?
Datum , Autor franki
Actually, it should rather be called: Farewell to Google and Co,
Datum , Autor franki
What is arteurope.de?
What is the goal?
The realization
Datum , Autor franki
Safty and techniques
Datum , Autor franki
arteurope.de was created in connection with the public events, the art association activities and the Livingrooms that were launched.
Datum , Autor franki