lass` die reinen Fakten sprechen, dann wirst Du es ja selber seh`n, die nackten Fakten brechen dir die Illusion vom VirusGen.(Let the pure facts speak, then you will see it for yourself, the bare facts break the illusion of the VirusGen.)
Make your own judgment —-> NOW
Dance with the fear
Gaslighting and framing are by far the most common techniques to manipulate crowds. Both terms come from psychology. I speak here intentionally of crowds and not of peoples. It is difficult or impossible to gaslight a crowd, which is why it is indispensable for the success of these techniques to fragment the people’s society. In gaslighting, the victims are talked out of their personal feelings in favor of imaginary, generally correct views, which are enriched and underpinned with pseudo-feelings. Over a relatively short period of time, about half of a generation, the „general“ truth and thus the perception of the individual can be effectively manipulated in every conceivable direction. The goal is, in fact, to reduce individual autonomy to absurdity without the victims even suspecting it. The media conformity is understood as the perception of the (democratic) majority as correct and right. The process is accepted as its own development and view. A nightmare, beating heart, wake up!
Who tells half the truth tells a whole lie.
Nur mit Entsetzen wach’ ich Morgens auf,
Only with horror I wake up in the morning,
Ich möchte bittre Thränen weinen,
I want to cry bitter tears,
Den Tag zu sehn, der mir in seinem Lauf
To see the day, that in its course
Nicht Einen Wunsch erfüllen wird, nicht Einen,
Not one wish will fulfill, not one,
Der selbst die Ahndung jeder Lust
That even the apprehension of every desire
Mit eigensinnigem Krittel mindert,
With obstinate scribble diminishes,
Die Schöpfung meiner regen Brust
The creation of my lively breast.
Mit tausend Lebensfratzen hindert.
With a thousand life-grimaces hinders.
Auch mus ich, wenn die Nacht sich niedersenkt,
Even I must, when the night is sinking,
Mich ängstlich auf das Lager strecken,
To stretch myself fearfully on the bed,
Auch da wird keine Rast geschenkt,
Even there no rest is given,
Mich werden wilde Träume schrecken.
Wild dreams will frighten me.
Der Gott, der mir im Busen wohnt,
The god who dwells in my bosom,
Kann tief mein Innerstes erregen,
Can deeply stir my inmost being,
Der über allen meinen Kräften thront,
Who sits enthroned above all my powers,
Er kann nach ausen nichts bewegen;
He can move nothing outwardly;
Und so ist mir das Daseyn eine Last,
And so my existence is a burden,
Der Tod erwünscht, das Leben mir verhast.
Death desired, life to me hated.
Quotation from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, : Faust. A Tragedy. Tübingen, 1808
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