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whimsical woodlands


Skurile Waldlandschaft, Foto aus einer Performance whimsical woodlands, MF-Foto Performance Elefantenboard, Livingroom 1, Cologne 2007


Skurile Waldlandschaft, Foto aus einer Performance

Kategorien ,

Make your own judgment


Lightpaintingfoto aus einer Overheadprojektor-Performance
Das Urteil, Preprint auf Latex, 80 x 60 cm, Zülpich 2012


lass` die reinen Fakten sprechen, dann wirst Du es ja selber seh`n, die nackten Fakten brechen dir die Illusion vom VirusGen.

(Let the pure facts speak, then you will see it for yourself, the bare facts break the illusion of the VirusGen.)

Make your own judgment —-> NOW




Dance with the fear


Gaslighting and framing are by far the most common techniques to manipulate crowds. Both terms come from psychology. I speak here intentionally of crowds and not of peoples. It is difficult or impossible to gaslight a crowd, which is why it is indispensable for the success of these techniques to fragment the people’s society. In gaslighting, the victims are talked out of their personal feelings in favor of imaginary, generally correct views, which are enriched and underpinned with pseudo-feelings. Over a relatively short period of time, about half of a generation, the „general“ truth and thus the perception of the individual can be effectively manipulated in every conceivable direction. The goal is, in fact, to reduce individual autonomy to absurdity without the victims even suspecting it. The media conformity is understood as the perception of the (democratic) majority as correct and right. The process is accepted as its own development and view. A nightmare, beating heart, wake up!

Who tells half the truth tells a whole lie.

Own thoughts



Soul text

Could a tree wonder where it is going with him? Rather not, a tree cannot go, how should he come on the idea to go a way and to arrive somewhere? That are only thoughts of a being, which possesses the possibility to be able to move. And suddenly it is no longer only the physical body, but immediately the whole spirit, the own thoughts, which must move constantly toward new goals and want to follow any ways. A fatal confusion. A bred confusion, because advertising, world views, propaganda, manipulation etc can work, and it works as everyone knows, which is also impressively proven by the enormous annually increasing budgets for exactly these purposes.

The great error to which we, every single human being, *always* run the risk of succumbing, is the identification of one's own soul with one's own thoughts.

However, one's own thoughts are usually not one's own at all, but are caused by external influences. This should also be so, so that you can adapt to circumstances fluently and analogously. If this succeeds, harmony between the entities force, space and time arises, in this state the soul can vibrate. If it does not succeed on longer life phases, chronic longings arise sometime, caused by a longing soul.


Even in childhood, such discordant periods do not have to be very long to cause post-traumatic stress disorder. This can become a strong motivator to want to move towards "goals" throughout life. It is a constant running after the once lost natural harmony, *always* interwoven with the feeling of getting closer to it and yet it is never achieved. It can no longer be achieved in this way.
Some rush bigger, higher, further and see themselves in front, rejoice pseudo that the others are further behind - what nonsense, others make emergency stop, self-medication, drug addiction, addictions of any kind, very many compensate through many small tracts such as smoking, coffee, sex, also through dominance and humility and much more. From this point of view, the one,

  • who *always* has to be "ahead" (fear of falling behind) just like the one,
  • who *never* likes to commit (fear of becoming a target), or the,
  • who *always* needs to experience something (fear of missing something), or the,
  • who *always* wants to be in company (fear of standing alone), etc.

only compensatory traits developed, which deceptively keeps the own soul in sight. It is not the individual motives, but the automating *"over and over again "*, what lets run into the void.


The formula for healthy consciousness and harmony, however, is well known: Stop thoughts, shut up, and fasting combined with lots of jogging and cold showers.

However, this does not always fit with the obligatory roles of our social working life and the demands of responsibility towards other people, not only towards our own children. To accept this in all serenity, to be happy to have found something else compensatory instead of heroin and all the other offered destructions, can already give an excellent "standing" in which one's own soul will take its throne again. The body and also the supposedly own thoughts may run from here confidently sometimes here sometimes there, it is their nature to move. Their way is their goal.


Dream tilts


Those who sleep in democracy wake up in dictatorship.

Quote origin unknown, not from Goethe

Aquarellskizze Traumlandschaft kippt
Traum kippt, Aquarellskizze zum Traumbuch, 12cm x 8cm, Düren 2000


Nur mit Entsetzen wach’ ich Morgens auf,

Only with horror I wake up in the morning,

Ich möchte bittre Thränen weinen,

I want to cry bitter tears,

Den Tag zu sehn, der mir in seinem Lauf

To see the day, that in its course

Nicht Einen Wunsch erfüllen wird, nicht Einen,

Not one wish will fulfill, not one,

Der selbst die Ahndung jeder Lust

That even the apprehension of every desire

Mit eigensinnigem Krittel mindert,

With obstinate scribble diminishes,

Die Schöpfung meiner regen Brust

The creation of my lively breast.

Mit tausend Lebensfratzen hindert.

With a thousand life-grimaces hinders.

Auch mus ich, wenn die Nacht sich niedersenkt,

Even I must, when the night is sinking,

Mich ängstlich auf das Lager strecken,

To stretch myself fearfully on the bed,

Auch da wird keine Rast geschenkt,

Even there no rest is given,

Mich werden wilde Träume schrecken.

Wild dreams will frighten me.

Der Gott, der mir im Busen wohnt,

The god who dwells in my bosom,

Kann tief mein Innerstes erregen,

Can deeply stir my inmost being,

Der über allen meinen Kräften thront,

Who sits enthroned above all my powers,

Er kann nach ausen nichts bewegen;

He can move nothing outwardly;

Und so ist mir das Daseyn eine Last,

And so my existence is a burden,

Der Tod erwünscht, das Leben mir verhast.

Death desired, life to me hated.

Quotation from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, : Faust. A Tragedy. Tübingen, 1808

runaway negative


Weglaufen negativ, Aquarellzeichnung
Weglaufen negativ, Düren 1996, Aquarellstift und -farben auf Papier, ca 35cm x 46cm




Malerei, Rohkarton mit Epoxyd
Käfighaltung, 2012, wasserbasierte Ölfarbe auf Rohkarton in Epoxydharz getränkt, Blatt ca 40cm x 30cm













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