franki presents

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Red tentacles


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Livingroom 4 mit ++ Doppelplus


Footprints in the sand – ATTENTION – red tentacles
Mensch mit Hut

Those who sleep in democracy wake up in dictatorship.

Origin of quotation unknown, not by Goethe

Dream overturns
Aquarellskizze Traumlandschaft kippt
Traum kippt, Aquarellskizze zum Traumbuch, 12cm x 8cm, Düren 2000


„I awake each morning filled with dread,
With bitter tears I wish to weep,
To face a day that in its course
Will grant not one of my desires, not one,
A day that even the faintest hope of joy
Diminishes with stubborn, petty quibbles,
That stifles the creation of my restless mind
With a thousand grotesque phantoms of life.
And when night descends, I must again
Anxiously stretch myself upon my bed,
And there, too, no rest is granted me,
For wild dreams will terrify my sleep.
The God who dwells within my breast,
Can stir my deepest innermost being,
Who reigns over all my powers,
Yet can effect nothing outwardly;
And so existence is a burden to me,
Death desired, life hateful to me.“

Zitat aus Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, : Faust. Eine Tragödie. Tübingen, 1808



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