franki presents

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beware Ausschnitt aus einer Projektion zur Druckdatei verarbeitet, Köln 2020,

Rapbellions – IMDNM.mp3




Dancing with fear


Gaslighting and framing are by far the most common techniques used to manipulate crowds. Both terms come from psychology. I am deliberately talking about masses of people here and not ethnic nations. It is difficult, if not impossible, to gaslight ethnic nations, which is why it is essential for the success of these techniques to fragment popular society. In gaslighting, the victims are talked out of their personal feelings in favor of imaginary, generally correct views, which are enriched and underpinned with pseudo-feelings. Over a relatively short period of time, about half of a generation, the „general“ truth and thus the perception of the individual can be effectively manipulated in every conceivable direction. In effect, the aim is to reduce individual autonomy to absurdity without the victims even realizing it. The media synchronization is understood as the perception of the (democratic) majority as correct and right. The process is accepted as its own development and point of view. A nightmare, beating heart, wake up!

Maybe make your own judgment by thinking for yourself!

Lightpaintingfoto aus einer Overheadprojektor-Performance
Das Urteil, Preprint auf Latex, 80 x 60 cm, Zülpich 2012


Let the facts speak for themselves, then you will see for yourself, the bare facts will break the illusion of the VirusGen.

Make your judgment —-> NOW

Anyone who tells half the truth is telling a complete lie.



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